Siddharth Anand’s “Fighter” takes viewers on a high-octane ride into the world of Indian fighter pilots. Starring the ever-charming Hrithik Roshan and the beautiful Deepika Padukone, the film boasts impressive aerial sequences and undeniable star power. However, “Fighter” struggles to find a comfortable balance between high-flying action and a grounded narrative.

Strengths: A Visual Spectacle and Endearing Leads

The film’s undeniable strength lies in its breathtaking visuals. The aerial combat sequences are a visual treat, showcasing the power and agility of fighter jets with impressive CGI and stunt work. Hrithik Roshan, known for his dedication to fitness and action roles, delivers a charismatic performance as the hotshot pilot, exemplifying courage and determination. Deepika Padukone holds her own, portraying a fierce and intelligent pilot who complements Roshan’s character well.

Echoes of Top Gun and Clichéd Romance

“Fighter” draws clear inspiration from classic films like “Top Gun,” borrowing heavily from its themes of camaraderie, competition, and aerial warfare. While this formula can be entertaining, the lack of originality might leave some viewers wanting more. The romantic subplot between the two leads, although predictable, benefits from the undeniable chemistry between Roshan and Padukone.

A Mixed Bag of Supporting Characters and Nationalism

The supporting cast delivers mixed results. Anil Kapoor brings a touch of experience and gravitas to his role, but some of the other characters feel underdeveloped. The film’s portrayal of nationalism, while well-intentioned, can occasionally feel heavy-handed, potentially alienating viewers outside of India.

A Final Verdict: Entertaining Escape with Room for Improvement

“Fighter” is a visually stunning and entertaining action film that soars with high-octane aerial sequences and the undeniable charm of its lead actors. However, the film’s derivative plot, predictable romance, and heavy-handed nationalistic themes prevent it from reaching its full potential. If you’re looking for a visually spectacular escape with a touch of patriotism, “Fighter” might just hit the right spot. But for those seeking a more nuanced story or groundbreaking action, this film might not quite take flight.