Thiruvananthapuram, India — Nestled in the heart of Kerala’s capital, Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple stands as a monument to India’s rich cultural and spiritual heritage. Revered for its architectural splendor and profound religious significance, the temple has also gained global attention for the staggering wealth hidden within its ancient vaults and the enigmatic aura surrounding its history. This article delves deep into the temple’s mythological origins, architectural grandeur, the hidden treasures, and the local beliefs that make it a fascinating and mysterious marvel.

Mythological Origins

The origins of Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple are steeped in rich mythological lore. The temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, who is enshrined in a unique reclining posture known as “Anantha Shayana,” lying on the serpent Anantha or Adi Sesha. According to legend, the sage Divakara Muni Vilwamangalam, a devout Vishnu follower, had a divine vision of Lord Vishnu who appeared as a small child. The child played pranks on the sage, leading him to treat the child harshly. When the child suddenly disappeared, Divakara Muni realized his divine nature and was filled with remorse.

Determined to find the child, the sage wandered until he reached the present site of the temple, where Lord Vishnu manifested before him in a grand form on the serpent Anantha. The sage pleaded with the Lord to remain in Thiruvananthapuram, and thus, the deity chose this place as his abode. This mythological narrative not only highlights the divine significance of the site but also underscores the spiritual connection that devotees feel with the deity.

Architectural Grandeur

Constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a testament to the craftsmanship and devotion of its creators. The temple features intricate stone carvings, towering gopurams (gateway towers), and exquisite mural paintings that depict various scenes from Hindu mythology. The sanctum sanctorum houses the idol of Vishnu, which is about 18 feet long and depicts the deity reclining on the serpent Anantha. The idol is made from 12,008 salagramams (sacred stones), which were brought from the Gandaki River in Nepal, and is covered with gold and precious stones.

The temple complex includes several mandapams (halls), each serving different ritualistic and administrative purposes. The Kulasekhara Mandapam, for example, is renowned for its fine sculptures and serves as a venue for various cultural and religious events. The temple tank, known as Padmatheertham, is another significant feature, used for various rituals and religious ceremonies.

The Hidden Wealth

In 2011, Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple catapulted to global fame when a Supreme Court-appointed committee unearthed a treasure trove in its subterranean vaults. The estimated value of this treasure is over $22 billion, making it one of the richest religious institutions in the world. The discovery included gold ornaments, diamond-studded jewelry, rare coins, and antique artifacts, some dating back to several centuries. The wealth was found in five out of six known vaults, labeled A to F.

Vault A alone yielded sacks of diamonds, hundreds of gold coins, golden idols, and a vast collection of jewelry. However, it is Vault B that remains the most mysterious and controversial. This vault has not been opened due to its intricate lock mechanisms and the fear of divine curses associated with it. Local lore and historical records suggest that the vault is protected by potent mantras and mythical serpents, and any attempt to open it could lead to catastrophic consequences.

Local Beliefs and Mysteries

The temple is enveloped in a multitude of local beliefs and tales that add to its enigmatic charm. One such belief is that the deity himself guards the treasure, and any attempt to desecrate or misuse it would invoke his wrath. The legend of Vault B, with its intricate lock mechanisms and mythical serpent imagery, fuels these beliefs, fostering a sense of awe and reverence among the devotees.

Another fascinating aspect is the temple’s historical role in the Travancore royal family. The Maharajas of Travancore have always regarded themselves as ‘Padmanabha Dasa’ (servants of Lord Padmanabha), dedicating their rule to the deity. This divine trusteeship is believed to have bestowed prosperity and protection upon their reign. Even after India’s independence, the royal family continued to manage the temple, maintaining its rituals and traditions with great devotion.

Spiritual Significance

Beyond its material wealth, Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple remains a spiritual epicenter. Devotees throng the temple during festivals like Alpashy and Panguni, seeking blessings and divine grace. The daily rituals, steeped in ancient traditions, offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Vedic worship practices. The temple’s priests, adhering to strict codes of conduct, perform these rituals with meticulous precision, preserving the sanctity and spiritual ambiance of the temple.

The temple’s role in the cultural life of Kerala is profound. It serves as a hub for various cultural and religious events, attracting scholars, artists, and devotees from across the world. The annual Navaratri festival, for instance, is marked by a grand procession and various cultural performances, celebrating the triumph of good over evil.

The IAS Officer Incident

In a turn of events that added to the temple’s enigmatic aura, an incident involving a high-ranking IAS officer in 2011 captured the public’s imagination. The officer, Sundararajan, was instrumental in bringing the hidden wealth of the temple to light. His efforts led to the Supreme Court’s intervention and the subsequent discovery of the vast treasures. Tragically, Sundararajan died under mysterious circumstances shortly after the vaults were opened, leading to widespread speculation about the so-called curse associated with the temple’s riches.

Sundararajan’s death was seen by many as a consequence of tampering with the sacred and untouchable wealth of the temple. His demise fueled existing beliefs in the divine protection surrounding the temple’s treasures and heightened the fear and reverence for Vault B. While authorities cited natural causes for his death, the timing and context have left an indelible mark on the temple’s recent history.

The Debate Over the Treasure

The discovery of the temple’s hidden wealth has sparked numerous debates and discussions. There are divergent views on how this treasure should be utilized. Some argue that it should be used for the welfare of the people, funding education, healthcare, and infrastructure projects. Others believe that the treasure belongs to the deity and should remain within the temple’s precincts, used solely for religious and cultural purposes.

The Supreme Court of India has been involved in adjudicating these matters, ensuring that the wealth is preserved and managed appropriately. The court’s interventions have also aimed at maintaining transparency and accountability in the temple’s administration, balancing the interests of the devotees, the royal family, and the broader community.


Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple stands as a beacon of faith, heritage, and mystery. Its blend of mythological history, architectural brilliance, and the enigma of hidden treasures continues to captivate the world. As debates over the unopened vaults and the rightful use of the discovered wealth persist, the temple’s legacy as a sacred and mysterious marvel endures, inviting both reverence and wonder from all who encounter it.

The temple’s spiritual ambiance, combined with its rich cultural traditions and historical significance, makes it a unique destination for pilgrims and tourists alike. Whether it is the allure of its mythical origins, the grandeur of its architecture, or the fascination with its hidden wealth, Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple continues to be a source of inspiration and intrigue, a true jewel in the crown of India’s cultural and spiritual heritage.